Coffee Shop Diners a thing of the past? Nah! Drive down US Route 40 or Route 66 through America, and you'll see gleaming, stainless steel diners in almost every town and city. These restaurants may seem like a relic of a bygone era, but they almost always have cars outside and people inside.
How can it be possible that such places still hold a piece of the American Dream? No one really knows, but after almost 150 years, coffee shop diners are still a strong piece of Americana.
The classic coffee shop diner got its start back in 1858 when a man by the name of Walter Scott started selling sandwiches to people in Providence, Rhode Island. By the late 1800's, diner owners bought old, decommissioned street cars and turned them into diners, adding a counter, some stools and a kitchen.
Then came the 1950's, and diners were transformed into the form recognized today - lots of stainless steel, large windows, and art deco décor.
Over the past fifty years, diners have disappeared and changed hands many times over. Journalists have frequently extolled about the impending loss of the diner. But it never seemed to happen.
Instead, the diners keep going year after year, with new owners serving the same great customers and travelers who are just passing through. Today, coffee shops and diners are located in towns and cities, airports and bus and train stations. Most offer a fairly large menu with a wide variety of standard American food--chicken, hamburgers, eggs, bacon, and pancakes.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.
Randy has more articles on coffee and coffee beans at Coffee Information, beans, history and products such as Do coffee colonics really work?.
Friday, December 28, 2007
The Delight of Coffee Shop Diners!
Posted by Admin at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Espresso Machines: Not For The Coffee Shop Anymore
Instead of going to the local coffee shop, use your espresso machines instead. There are some excellent opportunities out there for you in these new, must have options for your kitchen. Once only used in coffee shops and in restaurants that were high end, these machines have been made so that anyone, anywhere can use them rather easily.
Espresso machines are available in several ways. You may have a favorite method of making the espresso or perhaps you are looking for something that offers a distinctive taste. In most cases, you will find that there are espresso machines that do just what you are looking for. Because they are so easy to use, you will be able to make your favorite espresso flavors yourself as well.
On top of this, you will also find that some machines are also combinations. Love cappuccino as well? Would you like a standard coffee maker along with your new espresso machine? These too can be purchased. You will find them available in a variety of styles and colors to fit any kitchen.
Yet another feature that is important to comment on is their quality. Some of the espresso machine styles that are on the market for individual use are in fact quite capable of making coffee house style coffee that is rich and full flavored, missing nothing except the price tag. And, you can experiment with coffee beans that fit your tastes while in a coffee house you may be limited. Purchase gourmet varieties for pennies on the dollar online and enjoy the coffee that is nothing short of amazing every day that you wake up. Worried about dealing with these things each morning? Don't be, because you will find it very hard to find an espresso machine that isn't easy to use. Clean up is often just as easy as a standard coffee maker so that is not a problem as well. Espresso machines look great, work great and add an air of sophistication to your life.
for more information please see
Posted by Admin at 12:04 PM 0 comments
How To Get Online Wirelessly - No Coffee Shop Required
One of the hottest technology trends around today is the ability to get online anywhere, anytime. Without a WISP (Wireless ISP) service in your area, or wifi at Starbucks, your favorite coffee shop, or even some McDonalds and Burger Kings, you don't have a choice, you cannot get online. Or at least that was true in the past.
The major cellular vendors are beefing up their networks for what is believed to be one of the "next big things". You see, these vendors like Verizon Wireless, Sprint PCS/Nextel, Cingular, and T-Mobile have all invested millions of dollars in providing cellular towers across the country so that you can get a cell signal in almost any decently populated areas. Competition is fierce, and each carrier is looking for some kind of value-added service or function to entice customers to switch to their service.
One of the biggest things they have done recently is to allow you to get online from your laptop computer using one of their "air cards", sometimes known as an "EVDO card". These cards plug into the PCMCIA slot on your laptop (almost all laptops have a PCMCIA slot), and as long as you can pick up a decent signal from that carrier's cell tower, you can get online with your laptop and this manufacturer-specific air card!
Verizon and Cingular appear to be leading the pack with this technology, with new high-speed hotspots appearing regularly across the country. Sprint is also investing heavily into creating more Sprint-specific hotspot areas for their service. T-Mobile also has this service available. With these carriers, you can get the "data-only" plan without being required to have one of that carrier's voice/cell service plans.
From a performance perspective, T-Mobile trails the pack significantly. Although their plan is the cheapest (about $30 per month for unlimited access), performance is barely as good as a dial-up connection. But if dial-up speed is sufficient for you, this can be a very mobile and cost-effective option.
As of the end of February 2006, in areas where Verizon had their high-speed option available, average download speed was measured at 563k, which is a speed that many home DSL or cable users don't get as high as. Verizon currently has this service available in about 70 markets. About 38% of responders reported seeing speeds greater than 600k.
In areas where the high-speed version of the Sprint equivalent is available, average download speed is reported as 641k, and is available in about 108 markets nationwide. About 47% reported seeing speeds higher than 600k regularly.
The Cingular equivalent reported an average download speed of 581k in areas where the service is available.
Be SURE to set your expectations correctly. A strong cell signal is required from the carrier providing the service to get the best possible speed, in the same sense that a voice cell connection may be scratchy if the cell signal in a given location is marginal. In areas that can deliver this data service but have not yet been upgraded to provide the high-speed option, typical connection speed (again with a strong cell signal) is reported as significantly less, around 152k as an average, or about 3 times the speed of a decent dial-up connection.
Tip! This behavior is exactly what is required when visiting congested shopping areas on the way to work, find a parking space, (where gourmet coffee shops are often located) stop the engine, return to the car with coffee in hand, restart the engine and make your way back to the highway and finally to work.
The plans can be a bit pricey, but you're paying for truly mobile connectivity without being tied to an Ethernet cable and modem, or a particular coffee shop hotspot offering wireless like Starbucks. The plans run about $80 per month for unlimited access, although Verizon recently announced a plan offering their unlimited access plan for $60 if you also get a 2 year voice cellular plan with it (at additional cost of course). The carriers also have cheaper plans with a monthly data transfer limit, but be very aware that if you start using this regularly, the overage charges will end up costing much more than just opting for the "unlimited" plan in the first place.
The good news is that it's easier to learn about, shop, and compare ALL of these plans and the "air cards" now than it ever has been.
In fact here's 2 resources that will help you do just that:
EVDO Forums
The additional good news is that a LOT of people are not aware that this capability exists, and it exists at a price that is much less than it was only a year or two ago! So take advantage of the possibilities....and expand your wireless experience!
Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including and Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.
Posted by Admin at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Brew Up A Great Coffee Shop Business Plan
Starting and running a successful coffee shop can be a dream come true for any coffee lover, and the coffee business can be quite lucrative in the right hands.
When starting any business, however, it is important to give it the seriousness and careful planning it deserves. Few people can be successful at owning and running a coffee shop without lots of difficult planning, and one of the key elements of that planning is the creation of a professionally designed coffee shop business plan.
==The Coffee Shop Business Plan Is The First Document Any Potential Investor Will Want To See==
A business plan is one of the most important, perhaps the most important, of all business documents.
That is because the coffee shop business plan is the first document any potential investor will want to see. Before any lender will make a startup loan, he or she will want to get a good look at your business plan, and review it carefully.
Likewise, if you are planning to finance your new coffee shop by taking on investors, those potential investors will want to take a good look at the coffee shop business plan to determine what they are getting into, as well as to be sure that your new shop has a solid shot at success.
==Outline The Potential Of Your Business Plan==
It is important that your business plan outline not only the great potential of your new business enterprise, but any potential challenges or pitfalls as well. By being totally honest, you will gain the confidence of potential lenders and potential investors alike.
==The Business Plan Can Help With The Tax Planning Purposes==
In addition to its usefulness as a way to raise startup funds and funds for expansion, a good coffee shop business plan has many other uses as well. One of the most important non financial uses of a good business plan is for tax planning purposes.
No one likes to pay taxes, and paying taxes is often an unwanted side effect of running a profitable business. Proper tax planning, using the information contained in your coffee shop business plan, however, can help keep your tax liability to a minimum, and help your business grow, prosper and thrive.
Shaunta Pleasant is a professional web writer and editor on business plan topics. Visit my site to learn more about writing a business plan at
Posted by Admin at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Coffee Shop Business Plan
A coffee shop business plan is what you need if you are thinking of starting your own coffee shop. Coffee is in big demand all over the world - in fact, it is the second greatest revenue generating product in international commerce, next only to petroleum. A coffee shop business can therefore be very lucrative - but only if you do it right. If you don't, it'll only be a waste of your time, resources and money, and a setback for your dreams. So a comprehensive coffee shop business plan would help you to do things right from the very beginning.
Or perhaps you already own a coffee shop, and are wondering what you can do to boost sales. Or maybe you want to buy an already existing coffee business, and want to make sure that you run it right. You might even want to add a coffee angle to your existing business. Whatever your purpose, however you may want to become involved with the coffee business, you'll most likely want to have a coffee shop business plan in place before taking the first step.
There are certain vital questions to be considered. Will it be really worth it? Will you have adequate resources to see it through till you succeed? There are hundreds of varieties of coffee and coffee-based drinks; what drinks should you make? What equipment should you buy? What kind of location should you look for? Do you go it independent, or do you get a franchise from some big player? In short, you don't know too many things about the coffee business; where do you start? All reasons to have a Coffee Shop Business Plan in place.
First, you need to think about finance. Either you take a loan from the bank or you impress investors so they buy a stake in your business. In either case, you need to write an informed, coherent coffee shop business plan. This should include what you intend to do, how you intend to implement it, what kind of startup finances you need, what level of sales you're looking at, and how you plan to pay the (private or institutional) investors back. For a drive-thru, you should need something between $40,000 and $150,000. for a full-fledged coffee shop, however, it could be anything between $60,000 and $350,000, depending on your scale of operation.
Tip! This section of the coffee shop business plan should also include information on the factors that will make this new coffee shop unique in the marketplace.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.
To read a complete copy of this article go to Coffee Shop Business Plan and for other business articles go to Small Business Plans.
Posted by Admin at 12:03 PM 1 comments
The Local Coffee Shop
Many musicians complain about the lack of gigs they have, but when I ask them to look closely at the type of venue they are searching, the repeated pattern seems to be clubs, stadiums, concert halls and pubs. What I would like to share here is to keep a real look out and be totally aware of the possible gig locations and don't limit yourself. How about restaurants, parks, malls or my favourite, the local coffee shops?
Coffee shops are the next link in the chain of great gigs. Depending on the venue, you can drop in several times and build links with staff and get a feel for the type of customers that come there. Make it your second residence!
Depending on the type of music, coffee shops represent the perfect venue for musicians to meet with their perfect audience, and if they are your right audience, what must your audiences be doing if they're not watching you? Drinking coffee
Coffee shops are great place for people who want a break from both work and home. It's like the middle space, or the third space. I personally like these places because it's nice and cosy, allowing you to build deeper relationships with the crowds.
Something that works day in, day out is the power of repetition. If people see your name several times, they remember it, and create a link in their mind. By placing several posters in the coffee shops were the same people go everytime between home and work, it is something they can't miss, and are definitely going to remember. You can guarantee most of them will be at your event.
So how do you get booked?
It's important to target the right show for the right venue. If you play acoustic guitar and sing with a soft voice, don't go to a coffee where staff shout to customers that their order is ready.
Tip! Coffee connoisseurs describe Jamaican coffee as rich and savory, with low acidity, a tinge of sweetness and a bold aroma. A pound of this coffee in a coffee shop usually costs around $45.
Also pay attention to the peak and off-peak times at the coffee shop as you can use this to your advantage really easily. If you play in the morning when it's peak time and attract many customers for the shop, you'll notice that the lunch area may be very low in customers, so pitched correctly, you could ask the shop management if you could play in the afternoon, and attract the customers that way.
Don't expect to be paid by the coffee shop management, but one way to grow your audience is to collect mailing list signups. This way you can inform them by post or e-mail where you are next because there will definitely want to be a part of your music.
Tip! How to make the best espresso drinks could fill books, as there are many factors to balance. This is why coffee shops spend so much time training their staff.
The most important thing is that you have already built up great relationships so that you can emphasise how you will bring more people to their place.
© Kavit Haria, The Musicians' Coach
Kavit Haria is The Musicians' Coach. Kavit is the director of InnerRhythm, a company that prides on providing success solutions for musicians worldwide. Kavit sends out a musician development newsletter to over 2000 musicians in 16 countries every fortnight to help them achieve their desired results. Sign up now and experience the huge benefits from
Posted by Admin at 12:02 PM 0 comments
A Unique Marketing Spin for a Coffee Shop
Three business partners contacted me about creating a marketing plan for a coffee shop that they were opening in Greenwich Village in New York City. They had already leased a 3000 sq. foot space, which is very large for a coffee shop. They had not worked out what type of food or coffee they would serve. The location was too large for it to survive as just a coffee shop something extra would have to be added.
I met with the three partners where I discussed my concerns about there new business venture. I convinced them to follow a plan that I created that would solve the extra space problem for them. Since they had already signed the lease on the location that was to large to succeed as just a coffee shop I created a plan for the coffee shop to be used as a place for community service groups, discussion groups, art and theatre groups, and special interest groups.
I arranged for the coffee shop to operate a two-prong strategy. In the morning it will offer coffee, cappuccino, and breakfast muffins and an assortment of pastries to the people in the morning, 65% who are professional. After 9:30 A.M. the coffee house will strive to become a meeting place for various community groups, organizations, associations, and a place for college students to meet after classes. The coffee shop will have a part time program director who will work with the various groups to help facilitate community meetings and set up interesting forums and discussion groups, and to provide other entertainment for the college students.
I conducted some research on successful coffee shops and found that the espresso machines contribute well over 50 percent to a coffee shop's revenue and even more to its profits. The shops with the best tasting drinks did five to ten times the business of shops with average tasting espresso. To capitalize on this the coffee shop should try to get its espresso drinks to over 50 percent of the drinks served. To accomplish this, the coffee shop set up a separate espresso station, with instruction on how to make a great espresso. The coffee shop will set its pricing approximately 25 percent below typical Starbucks' pricing.
The key to the coffee shop is the merchandising and taste of its specialty drinks, which involves having the right coffeemaker and coffee, and people who understand the art of making good coffee. I suggested that the coffee shop purchased a high-end cappuccino coffeemaker that has a shiny copper and bronze exterior that can be set out in a separate station to attract interest to specialty coffees. Two employees along with the manager were trained in the proper technique of making specialty coffee drinks.
Tip! The first coffee brand to come to Britain was Kenco. In 1923, a co-operative of Kenyan Coffee farmers set up a coffee shop in Sloan Square (London), called the Kenyan Coffee Company, to distribute high quality coffee beans around Britain.
I worked with the part time program and sales director with finding groups and creating groups that will hold meetings in the coffee shop. A discount was offered to any group or individual who would bring in groups. I created a web site explaining what the coffee shop has to offer, and what meetings are taking place and how they can attend these meetings. The coffee shop will send out coupons to groups offering a 25-percent-off discount.
I bought a list from a list broker of organizations, associations, and local community groups in the area. I wrote solicitation letters to them explaining what services the coffee shop had to offer. I created online discussion groups that would involve potential clients for the coffee shop. Articles were written for on line publication for the organizations, associations, and local community groups that held meetings at the coffee shop. These articles contained links to the web site for the coffee shop that would list the upcoming events and discussions that would be held at the coffee shop. Print ads were also taken out in a small local publication that the targeted market reads.
Tip! How to make the best espresso drinks could fill books, as there are many factors to balance. This is why coffee shops spend so much time training their staff.
After about 5 months the results of these marketing efforts had paid off. The coffee shops morning business was doing 10 percent better that was forecasted. The coffee shop had 8 regular groups, organizations, and associations holding weekly meetings in the coffee shop. I got permission from the clients who are using the coffee shop for meetings to use there names in the next set of ads that will run, and on the new web site. You must promote your success to get new business.
William Dupree is the owner of I.M.P.S. (Interactive Marketing & Promotional Solutions Inc.) ( a sole proprietorship marketing firm located in New York City that specializes in developing interactive marketing strategies for small businesses. Prior to founding I.M.P.S. in 2005, Mr. Dupree was a senior partner at E.D.L. Marketing for twelve years. Before joining E.D.L. he worked for Diamond Marketing Group where he performed personal sales strategies, product planning, event planning, and created interactive marketing strategies for an assortment of small businesses.
Posted by Admin at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Business Case Study; Oil Change Business and Coffee Shop Combo Business Model
Does oil and coffee mix? Well it certainly does for one small business in Needles, CA. They have a successful business now in a rather run-down and in economic decline town. Needles although in California is not doing to well these days, worse off in summer it can reach 117 degrees out their in the middle of no-where desert.
Additionally there is not a lot of business to be had besides the I-40 traffic getting off the freeway for a quick bite to eat or traveling thru their town to go to the Casinos in Laughlin or near by Bull Head City, which has recreation areas and good economic growth.
How can some businesses do so well in such run-down areas? Well this discussion came up recently and one gentleman in the area did not even know of the business, yet it still does well. He stated that;
"I ran a wholesale jobber route through the territory you mentioned for 3+ years distributing to c-stores and such. Went ok not really enough mom and pops anymore which were my bread and butter. I never noticed the needles location you mentioned, sounds like a neat idea that might work but needles is such a depressed area."
Boy you can say that again. Really depressed. They need a complete over haul there. I think part of the problem is the drug issues there, but who would want to live in CA with all the taxes and excess regulations, when you can live in NV or AZ all nearby in that tri-state areas? All the smart people left is my thought?
The oil change place is on the corner across from the Coin-Op, semi full service car wash on the weekends on the road, which goes from Needles to Bull Head City. Can't miss it, looks somewhat new 3-4 years I guess?
Why do some business succeed like a desert flower in such challenging economic regions? Well it appears to be due to the fact that this business is a family run business; the wife runs the coffee shop area and the husband the oil change bays. There are always people in line.
How do they do it? Word of mouth, customer service and perseverance and now they have built a strong business. You can too, no matter what the circumstances you can over come the odds, beat the heat and make hay. Please consider all this in 2006.
Tip! Recently I was in a coffee shop and I listened to a couple of white gentleman discussed this with a black gentleman. The black African American said that restitution for slavery may not be possible, but the idea is intriguing and worthy of discussion.
Lance Winslow
Posted by Admin at 12:02 PM 0 comments
The Perfect Little Coffee Shop: Are You Afraid of Failure? Are You Letting that Failure Cripple You
Ah, coffee, the drink of choice when I want to share a special moment with friends, when I want to sit and ponder life or when I want a moment alone. I am an avid coffee drinker. I love coffee and I love the atmosphere of a good coffee house, a café.
And, even if I buy take out coffee, which I do frequently, I like to get my coffee from one of these special cafes.
I often take my two certified therapy dogs with me and go for a ride. I get the coffee, they get a little treat, and off we go. Those are some of my special golden moments of life.
Are you evaluating whether to start or buy a coffee shop & espresso café business?
Well, I was reading through some interesting information on the internet today. And, it taught me a few things as an internet marketer. First, when you are looking for that "niche", the one that feels right to you, look for ideas in your own "backyard". Second, when you get the idea, listen to your inner voice and pursue it, don't say it's too silly until the numbers tell you its too silly! And third, when the numbers are researched and they look good, go after it! Have you researched the coffee shop business opportunities and business for sale classifieds looking for that "perfect little coffee shop?"
Are you afraid of failure? Are you letting that failure cripple your chances for success?
Let's look at this success story. First, how many of you are "knitters"? How many of you share your knitting stories with other knitters? I bet quite a few of you do. How many of you are knitters, and at the same time are open for a business venture? How many are even looking for that special business venture?
Well, here is the success story. I mean, if you are into knitting, how good does this sound? What a great place to get away to for a while, pursue your hobby, and have a social life.
This is the story that caught my eye. Mabel's Cafe and Knittery offers "knit-wits" a chance to feed their love for knitting and purling in a cozy Southeast coffee shop.
There are brightly colored skeins of yarn in different textures and thicknesses that can actually be purchased in the cafe, along with coffee and locally made pie. Now that part sounds good, even without knitting. There are tables, sofas, and chairs along with knitting books strategically scattered for inspiration.
Tip! Recently I was in a coffee shop and I listened to a couple of white gentleman discussed this with a black gentleman. The black African American said that restitution for slavery may not be possible, but the idea is intriguing and worthy of discussion.
The owner said, "It was a natural idea for me to mix knitting with other things. I also think that people need more opportunities to be social." How very true. She was able to incorporate this need into a success story.
Mabel's Cafe, even offers a variety of knitting workshops for beginners and seasoned pros alike. There are new mothers' classes, and of course dads are welcome too. Here the parents can socialize and learn to knit while introducing their little ones to the neighbors. What a great idea. Somebody followed their dream.
I did further research on this subject, and here is another success story. The Knitty Gritty Cafe is "a one-stop place for women who love to knit and love the smell and taste of freshly brewed coffee. Whether you are an expert knitter or a beginner, they also sell a variety of products ranging from books to tote bags to a wide selection of yarns".
Tip! Today, coffee shops and diners are located in towns and cities, airports and bus and train stations. Most offer a fairly large menu with a wide variety of standard American food--chicken, hamburgers, eggs, bacon, and pancakes.
Here are some more interesting ideas people have had for coffee shops.
l'Abracadabar The second Monday of each month: evening aperitif games at the Abracadabar (19th), the biggest free evening of board games in Paris.
les Trois Bornes The fourth Sunday of each month : round off your Sunday by playing board games at the Trois Bornes café (11th).
Le Cafézoide If you've brought the kids, this is for you: you'll only find one of its kind in Paris and even in France: a café exclusively reserved for children from 0 to 16 yrs (accompanied by a parent).
It's the Cafézoïde, a café where you won't find alcohol or cigarettes, but a real café nonetheless, with a bar, games, shows, cosy corners and workshops.
So, if this is what you want, and if you have your own "personal niche" well, at least do the research, do the numbers. Who knows, you may come up with a real winner. You too may have your dreams come true. And lets face it, coffee "is where it's at".
Tip! Anyway, I would like to be rich, but I would like to find a way to do this without working too hard. So I figure if I went back to my original idea of a coffee shop chain, I could put Starbuck's out of business.
My Name is Ruth Bird. I have 2 therapy dogs, and I love coffee. I am always impressed by those that have dreams, and follow them. Besides health for pets and people, I am an internet business person.
Posted by Admin at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Coffee Shop Philosophy on African American Slavery Restitution and Reimbursement
There seems to be a big debate going on right now regarding African American slavery and possible restitution and reimbursement to all those people living today who have ancestors in America who were slaves. There can be no doubt that it is a dark stain on the American way of life and history.
Recently I was in a coffee shop and I listened to a couple of white gentleman discussed this with a black gentleman. The black African American said that restitution for slavery may not be possible, but the idea is intriguing and worthy of discussion. He also stated he would not mind receiving $50,000 for the disadvantages that he had been through in life.
This sparked a pretty argumentative debate although it was interesting they were able to keep it within reason and without a fistfight. Another white male entering the conversation, who was a little bit of a bigot himself stated;
Did you hear about the African American Fresno Football Players who raped the 11-year old girl? Isn't society already paying enough for the issues of slavery still. I am sick and tired of paying the taxes for more police, courts and prisons. I don't steal anything. And statistically this is one of those "10 Things You Cannot Say In America" by Larry Elders, but statistically the jails are filled with a higher percentage of Black Americans based on their population contribution than any other race. And we cannot blame it all on Slavery. Well, after hearing all of this I could see that there is quite a bit of racism in America on both sides. And it is really too bad because we all live in the same great nation and we need to stop pointing fingers. Demanding money for something that happened to your ancestors some 15 generations ago makes no sense. Keeping such a demand in the mass media only further divides African-Americans with white Americans. Negative comments about black Americans and stereotyping serves no purpose. Can't we all just get along? Please consider this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
Posted by Admin at 12:00 PM 0 comments